Virtual 3D tours of your Property
3D Tour – Visually explore whatever you want from the perspective of someone standing on the property.
Check out the dishwasher, and the fireplace, or look at the ceiling.
Get a more immersive visual experience with 360° views than with still photos alone.
Access to property information benefits everyone. Faster decision-making, better planning and easier navigation are the results. 3D Tours include accurate floor plans, 360 Imagery, room dimensions, and more to make this happen.

Superior Navigation
You will never get confused, lost, or disoriented in a property again. Every Virtual 3D tour is delivered with an interactive floor plan and 360 degree panoramic visuals, giving the user full control over their experience while exploring the property.
Navigation is better with an integrated floor plan because you know where you are at all times. Why go through the effort of visiting a property physically or pretend to be walking virtually, when you can instantaneously teleport to where you want to be like in a dream?
360* Virtual View puts you in the driver’s seat. You have complete control over the 3D tour experience, including the image itself.
Home buyers deserve a better experience
• Connect with buyers and keep them on track.
Create a lasting impression by providing information about a property. Show them what they need to see before exploring on their own.
• Better, smoother experience vs. traditional screen sharing.
Screen sharing can be a rough experience, especially when sharing moving content. It can be delayed and unpredictable and this makes describing features more challenging because you can never be sure if what people are seeing is what you are seeing.
• Works across all devices.
Use a computer, tablet, or phone. The experience is nearly identical across devices and a computer is not required to host a showing. View, host, or share from a computer, tablet, or phone.
• Compatible with all forms of online communication.
Works great with Zoom, Skype, Facebook Messenger, or phone. Using your preferred form of communication means you don’t have to learn any new apps.
• No password or login is required.
Who wants to remember another password? We decided to make things easy. No login or password is required for a virtual showing.

What is 3D tour?
Most often, a 3D tour is a series of 360° images, also called photospheres, panoramas, or panos, where a user can navigate from one 360° image to another. There is an opinion that simply using 360° images without an underlying 3D mesh, or 3D point cloud collected by a camera, is not enough for such a presentation to be called a 3D tour, so an explanation is needed.
The term 3D, shorthand for three dimensional, means having three degrees of freedom in which a user can move. In each 360° image a user can look left-right and up-down and these degrees of freedom add up to two dimensions. In addition, a user can move between 360° images, zooming in and out of the images during such transitions. This degree of freedom adds yet another dimension, resulting in the experience of moving through 3D space. Because of that, the term “3D tour” is well justified for tours made using connected 360° images.
Another way to show a 3D tour is to use a 3D mesh with image textures applied to it. This approach is generally not used in a web browser for rendering real physical spaces captured with a camera, due to the high complexity of 3D mesh for the limited resources of a web browser. However, computer-generated 3D environments are often rendered in web browsers using the textured 3D mesh approach because in such cases the 3D mesh is a lot simpler.

Navigation in 3D Tours
When viewing a 360° image, a user can look all the way around and up and down. They can also zoom in and out. When it comes to navigating to another 360° image, there are a few different options available.
360° Image Navigation
Nearly all 3D tours allow navigation through 3D space by clicking in 360° images on some kind of hotspot or simply in a desired direction of movement. The 3D tour then renders a transition to the next location simulating movement in the 3D space.
This type of simulated movement doesn’t render in an entirely realistic way and even in cases where an underlying 3D mesh is available, the transitions often exhibit noticeable unrealistic artefacts. Nevertheless, such imperfections have a relatively small effect on a user, because during the transition the human brain processes data mostly to assess speed and direction of motion, rather than details of the surrounding 3D space.
Floor Plan Navigation and Location Tracking
Without some kind of a map as a reference, it can be very difficult to make sense of a floor layout and after a couple of 360° image transitions the user can find themselves lost in space and unsure of where they are going or have been.
This is where showing a floor plan or a map alongside the 360° image is very helpful and improves the user experience, as the user’s current position and viewing direction can be displayed on the floor plan, providing constant location tracking.
Simply clicking on a floor plan can allow instant teleportation to another location across the floor, providing for very efficient and intuitive navigation that is possible only with a computing device. This is opposite to the 360° image navigation that attempts to simulate a real-life walking experience and requires a lot of mouse clicks or “steps” to move across the floor.
Floor plan or map navigation is used in very few 3D tours, notably in iGUIDE, InsideMaps, and Google Street View. In those tours it is used in addition to 360° image navigation, giving users the option to choose how to explore the space.
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